
Hey there! 👋 I'm Harriet, just a London 🇬🇧 girl who's absolutely obsessed with squeezing every drop of fun out of life, diving fork-first into new foods, and chasing adventures wherever they might take me.

London's my stomping ground – a crazy, colourful whirlwind of tastes, faces, and places that's turned me into the thrill-seeker I am today.

Traveling's my jam. I mean, who doesn't love the thrill of hopping on a plane, landing somewhere new, and finding that perfect bite that just screams, "You're not in Kansas anymore, Toto"? My blog's pretty much my open diary ✍️ of wanderlust and foodie quests. It's where I spill the tea on my globe-trotting escapades, dish out the deets on those secret food spots you wish you knew about sooner, share my random thoughts, and throw in a couple of pro tips for anyone out there looking to add a little spice to their life. Here you can find the list of countries I have visited so far.

This little corner of the internet? It's all about lighting that spark of curiosity ✨ , making connections that stick, and celebrating the crazy quilt of cultures, flavours, and experiences that travel and food stitch together.

So, if you're a fellow traveller with a knack for adventure, a food lover always on the lookout for your next flavour hit, or just someone who loves a good story with a side of wanderlust, you're in the right place. Let's dive into this big, beautiful world together. It's time to explore, taste, and uncover the magic around us. Ready? Let's get this started!

The Socials